External Links
Accuracy International - http://www.accuracyinternational.com/
JMS Arms (MAE Suppressors & Phantom) - http://www.jmsarms.com
Skiritai Legacy Shooting Association - http://www.skiritailegacy.com/en/
National Rifle Association (UK) - http://www.nra.org.uk
Deerhunter - http://www.deerhunter.dk/
Le Chameau Equestian Clothing - http://www.lechameau.com
Gun Workshop - http://www.gunworkshop.co.uk
Eley Hawk Ltd. - http://www.eleyhawkltd.com
RUAG Ammunition - http://www.ruag.com/ruag/juice/ammotec
Lapua Ammunition - http://www.lapua.com/
The British Deer Society - http://www.bds.org.uk/
The Game Concervancy - https://www.gwct.org.uk/
Country Landowners Association - http://www.cla.org.uk/
Oberland Arms - http://www.oberlandarms.com
JC Country, an online retailer of country clothing including a fantastic range of Muck Boots - Muck Boots
Bössmakare Jon Persson - Sweden - http://www.jpvapen.se